Updates For How To Value Invest, My Immediate Plans, And A Question About Becoming An RIA

Getting Ready For Our Second Child

My wife is due with our second child any day so I will most likely not be posting as much on the blog for a while.  I will probably still post links and other things that I am learning from on Twitter but the blog will probably be quiet for a little while, at least until I get my next article written, as I will continue to research companies during this time.

Found An Undervalued Company

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After going through roughly 500 companies in the past several weeks, a lot of annual reports, and valuing some companies I have finally found a nano cap that is both profitable and undervalued for the first time since March.  I hope to have the article up as soon as possible but again with my wife being due any day I do not know when it will be posted.

On this note I also plan to release another excerpt from How To Value Invest in the coming days about how I systematically go through searching and researching companies for possible investment.

How To Value Invest Update And Questions For Those Who Have Bought It

Now that the book has been out for a while and has started to sell a bit better I was wondering what those have bought the book think about it.  Why did you buy it, did it help, did you like it, would your recommend it to others, etc?  I would love to hear from all of you who have bought and read the book and hear your thoughts and thank you so much to everyone who has bought it.

A Question For Any Registered Investment Advisor’s Out There

I posted the following question on Twitter yesterday as I am looking for some guidance on the following.

Would really appreciate any help anyone can offer out there on the subject and like I said I do manage some money now (that I do not get paid for).  I have done a lot of research on what specifically is and is not allowed in my state when it comes to RIA and non RIA and what the two entail.  I am mainly just wondering at this point if it would be worth it for me to put in the time to become an RIA now without having a fund or if I should just wait until I get more money to manage and have a firm or work at a firm.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 thoughts on “Updates For How To Value Invest, My Immediate Plans, And A Question About Becoming An RIA”

  1. disqus_PIqCQtz6nC

    Being an RIA means that you are registered with SEC or relevant state securities commission. As far as I understand an RIA is an entity, not an individual. So you would have to set up a partnership or LLC in order to register. When you get to certain level of assets under management there is no choice, it is required. Registering involves a lot of compliance and the possibility that you will be inspected. If you get inspected and your compliance is found to be sufficiently deficient you can be shut down. The only benefit I can think of is that if you are registered you can be a customer of the RIA platforms of Fidelity, Schwab, TD Ameritrade and so on…

    1. Thanks a lot. Yeah I am getting a lot of feedback that if I do not have enough AUM than it is not worth the compliance headache and costs. Appreciate it.

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