The Next Warren Buffett’s, Being Great At Anything, Beating The Show Offs, Bruce Bekowitz, and A Value Investors Journey

 The Next Warren Buffett’s

Are These The New Warren Buffett’s? Is an article from Fortune in October of 1989 where they profile 12 investors who they expect to do well in the future.  It is amazing how right they were as the list is comprised of current value investing heavyweights.

Being Great At Anything

Six Keys To Being Great At Anything is an article from Harvard Business Review on deliberate practice.  The article also lists some books at the end of the article about the subject.

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Harvard Business Review wordmark
Harvard Business Review wordmark (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Beating The Show Offs

Beating The Show-offs is an article from the Reformed Broker where he gives reasons why showing off when investing and/or managing other people’s money is bad, and how to beat the show-offs.

Bruce Berkowitz says Fairholme can produce 20% CAGR returns going forward

Bruce Berkowitz: Fairholme Can Produce 20% CAGR Returns is from ValueWalk which has an interview with Bruce Berkowitz and has his thoughts on many things investing related, including some of his funds holdings.

The McValue Portfolio Newsletters

The McValue Portfolio Newsletters are precursor quarterly newsletters from a fellow value investor before he decided to open his own investment fund GreensKeeper Asset Management.

The second link has his newsletters since opening his own fund.  Opening a hedge fund/partnership is exactly what I plan to do when my health gets better.  So I liked to see the progression of his newsletters and thought processes.